Turkish Coffee | Types, Recipe & Benefits

Today, let me introduce you to Turkish coffee! It is among the primitive methods of preparing coffee that dates back to about 500 years. Turkish coffee originated with Yemen coffee, but it was enhanced during the Ottoman Empire in Turkey. Now, everyone in the world enjoys it with unique twists.

However, keep reading to learn more about Turkish coffee, including its simple recipe to make this amazing drink at home.

What is Turkish Coffee?

Turkish coffee is a strong coffee prepared from a very fine powder of coffee beans, and it is served with coffee grounds in the cup. It is prepared by mixing of coffee, water, and sugar in a special pot called cezve. Cezve is then warmed up to make it become frothy which produce the good and thick coffee. Unlike other coffee types, Turkish coffee retains the fine coffee granules in the beverage making it to have a very special texture.

Coffees are always served in small-sized cups known as demitasses and it’s traditionally enjoyed with Turkish delight or chocolate. A tradition is not just a cup of coffee, it also a tradition which focuses on the enjoyment of the drink. 

Indeed, the Organisation for Cultural Heritage of UNESCO included Turkish coffee as part of cultural heritage as from 2013. A research proved that Turkey consumes more than 500 tones of Turkish coffee per annum; thus, we can realize that this beverage is still considered relevant

Different Types of Turkish Coffee

There are many types of Turkish coffee, but the major types include:

1. Menengiç Coffee

There are several types of coffee which is very interesting and one of them is Menengiç coffee. But it is not coffee, it is made from ground beans of the pistachio tree. The best part? One good thing it does not contain any caffeine!! Thus, if you are a coffee lover but do not wish to enjoy the stimulating effects you probably have found the perfect solution. It tastes like fresh fruits and nuts, which the Somali menengiç coffee has that really invigorating flavour.

2. Dibek Coffee

Another well-known type of Turkish coffee is Dibek coffee. It is unique because the coffee beans are ground using a stone mortar that is called a dibek which grinds the coffee beans into very small particles to make the coffee powder fine and that makes the coffee have a nice smooth taste. Dibek coffee is denser than ordinary coffee and this is suitable for those who appreciate a good strong coffee flavor.

3. Mırra Coffee

If you prefer your coffee heavily roasted with an added kick of spice, then Mırra coffee is for you. It is roasted to very dark; it has a heavy, bitter taste. But to counter this bittersweet taste, most people include spices in the preparation process, such as cardamom or cloves. Mırra coffee is an excellent option for those who prefer strong and tasty coffee.

Well, you’ve got decent knowledge about Turkish coffee now, you can prepare it at home using my the simple & amazing recipes that I’ve provided below.

Ingredients You Need to make Turkish coffee at home

To make Turkish coffee, you’ll need a few special items. Here’s what to gather:

  • Cold filtered water: Use your coffee cup to measure the water. One cup per person.
  • Turkish coffee: This coffee is ground super fine, almost like powder. You can find it in Middle Eastern or Mediterranean stores. Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi is a popular brand.
  • Cezve: This is a special pot with a wide bottom, often made of copper. It’s key for making Turkish coffee.
  • Turkish coffee cups: These are small cups, similar to espresso cups.
  • Granulated sugar: Add to taste, but it’s optional.


  • Cezve
  • Turkish coffee cups
  • Measuring spoon
  • Teaspoon

How to Make Turkish Coffee

Making Turkish coffee is simple, but it requires careful attention to detail. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Measure the Water: Start with cold, filtered water. Use the small coffee cup you’ll be serving in to measure the water. Pour the water into a special pot called a cezve. The general rule is to use 1½ cups of water for each serving.
  2. Add the Coffee: For each cup of coffee, add a heaping tablespoon of finely ground Turkish coffee into the cezve. If you prefer your coffee sweetened, add sugar at this stage. Stir the mixture well to combine the coffee, sugar, and water.
  3. Heat Slowly: Place the cezve on the stove over medium heat. Heat the mixture slowly, allowing it to warm up gradually. This process will take about 3-4 minutes. As the coffee heats, a dark foam will begin to form on the surface.
  4. Serve with Foam: Just before the coffee comes to a boil, use a spoon to scoop some of the foam into each coffee cup. Once the coffee reaches a gentle boil, pour half of the coffee into the cups, over the foam.
  5. Boil Again: Return the cezve to the stove and allow the remaining coffee to boil for another 10-15 seconds. Pour the rest of the coffee into the cups, filling them to the top.

How to Serve

Turkish coffee is traditionally served with a glass of cold water and a sweet treat like Turkish delight or chocolate. It’s a sign of respect to serve the eldest guest first. Since Turkish coffee is dense, it’s rare to drink more than one cup. Some people add milk, but it’s not common in Turkey.

Benefits of Turkish Coffee

Do you know what makes Turkish coffee so delicious and unbelievably tasty? It’s not just the unique brewing process or the finely ground coffee beans. Turkish coffee also has some amazing health benefits. It’s time to look beyond the rich taste and explore why this magical drink is so special.

1. Gut Health and Digestion

Turkish coffee is full of antioxidants, which are good for your gut. These antioxidants help keep your gut bacteria balanced. A healthy gut can improve digestion, help your body absorb nutrients, and even boost your mood.

2. Reduced Risk of Asthma

You’ll be glad to know that drinking coffee, including Turkish coffee, might help lower the chance of getting asthma. Some studies suggest that the antioxidants in coffee could reduce the risk of developing asthma. Although scientists are still figuring out exactly how this works, early results look promising.

3. Pre-Workout Boost

Turkish coffee contains caffeine which is a stimulant and helps to lessen tiredness. It may be more effective for you to drink it before exercise, because then you will not feel tired after the exercise.

Indeed, athletes are known to ingest caffeine for performance enhancement. A study even showed that there was about 12% rise in physical performance due to intake of caffeine. Hence, if you are finding some energy source and some energy before you head to the gym, then Turkish coffee may be ideal.

4. Neurological Benefits

Turkish coffee also has some positive effects on the health of your brain. Coffee contains flavonoids which have been associated with diminished probabilities of Alzheimer’s disease and other issues with the brain. These antioxidants has the potential to prevent damage of your brain cells which can potentially slow down aging of your brain. Those who consume three to four cups of coffee per day have a 55-65 percent lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Liver Protection

Your liver is a vital organ, and Turkish coffee can help protect it. Research suggests that coffee drinkers have up to a 40% lower risk of developing liver disease. The antioxidants in Turkish coffee reduce inflammation in the liver and help keep it healthy.

6. Weight Management

Caffeine in Turkish coffee can increase your metabolism, which might help with weight management. But remember, diet and exercise are also important.

7. Reduced Risk of Diabetes

Drinking Turkish coffee regularly may also lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. Studies show that people who drink coffee have a 23-50% lower risk of getting this disease. Coffee might help by improving how your body uses insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels.

Last Words

Turkish coffee stands out as one of the most unique coffees globally, thanks to its distinctive brewing process. This method not only influences the flavor but also makes the coffee memorable. Regardless of whether you are a lover of good coffee or an explorer of different types of coffee, you should try the Turkish one. Therefore, why not get the right ingredients, prepare a cup, and enjoy the culture of this special beverage?

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